Freedom’s Just Another Word, by Brenda – Pacific Rim (2013) [Archive of Our Own] |

Raleigh chuckled. “You’re still a real dick, you know that.”

“And you’re still a washed up old geezer,” Chuck replied, prompt and still smiling. “We’ve all got shit we carry with us into the drift.”

“Yeah,” Raleigh murmured, Yancy’s face flitting across his mind, “I guess we do.”

“‘Sides, we don’t have to like each other all that much for this to work.”

“For, uh, for what to work?”

Chuck gave him a disbelieving look. Raleigh got the feeling once again that he was missing something, but he still couldn’t figure out what it was.

“You serious?” Chuck scratched at his chin, the motion drawing Raleigh’s attention back to his mouth. “Have you always been this slow on the uptick when you’re being pulled?”

Source: Freedom’s Just Another Word, by Brenda – Pacific Rim (2013) [Archive of Our Own] |

Before the last mission, Raleigh and Chuck come to a truce – and then some. 😉

Start As You Mean To Go On, by Brenda – Pacific Rim (2013) [Archive of Our Own] |

This was completely absurd, but somehow, this was his life now. Giving dancing lessons to the savior of the fucking world at a party being thrown in their honor, with what felt like half of Hong Kong in attendance.

Source: Start As You Mean To Go On, by Brenda – Pacific Rim (2013) [Archive of Our Own] |

Excellent and hot-as-burning Chuck POV post-movie.

Stone Is Dust (And Only Air Remains), by Brenda – Pacific Rim (2013) [Archive of Our Own]

Raleigh Becket is like human catnip and Chuck burns for him the way he’s never burned for anyone else in his life…

Source: Stone Is Dust (And Only Air Remains), by Brenda – Pacific Rim (2013) [Archive of Our Own]

Oh my, this is simply delicious… Raleigh taking Chuck apart, allowing him to experience what he’s never allowed himself to have… *chef’s kiss*

that’s just how we live in my genre, by achilleees

that’s just how we live in my genre, by achilleees

Fires Unknown (Carry Me Home), by Synekdokee

”You’ve been my bodyguard for three years and not once has anyone so much as flipped me the bird. Dad’s just a paranoid old fart,” Chuck says with a roll of his eyes. Raleigh checks his weapon before sliding it back in his holster. “That he may be, but not only does he pay my salary, he could also kill me with his thumb, so I’m just gonna do my job if that’s alright with you.”

Adult, AU. Raleigh is Chuck’s bodyguard. Shit hits the fan. This works really, really well.

Fires Unknown (Carry Me Home), by Synekdokee

Dead Man Walkin’, by GutterBall

It was Chuck. But Chuck was six months dead, and this was… something else. And his mind just didn’t want to wrap around it. What would happen when the clone woke up?

Adult, post-movie, canon-compliant. Before Pitfall, Chuck let himself be cloned, memories and all – except he tampered with them, leading to some… interesting variations. This hits right in the Chuck feels, dear me!

Dead Man Walkin’, by GutterBall

Vid: It’s Consuming Me, by TheWateversun



An angst fest, beautiful but haunting (because we know what happens to Chuck, after all). Inspired by the short film It’s Consuming Me by Kai Stänicke.

Marks, by TheExplodingPen

There, on the small of Chuck’s back, is a tattoo. And not just any tattoo, no. He’s gone and gotten himself a Gipsy Danger tramp stamp, complete with Raleigh fucking Becket’s name, nice and neat, right underneath it. For the next sixteen weeks, Chuck’s nickname is Becket’s Bitch. He doesn’t mind as much as he knows he should.

Adult, Chuck lives!AU. This is fun and sizzling hot.

Marks, by TheExplodingPen