Police Codes, by romanticalgirl

Ben’s fantasized about guys before, but he’s never done anything about it, but Cooper’s in his head and he doesn’t know how to get him out. Doesn’t know that he wants to. Between the calls and the adrenaline and the mind-numbing boring stretches of shit, he watches Cooper and listens to him and tries to learn instead of wanting to do things that are almost enough to make him blush.

Explicit, very. This is completely unashamed porn, including a dildo called the Cop Killer. Yeah, that says it all.

Police Codes, by romanticalgirl

Need, by maurheti

“What. The fuck. Sherman.” John’s eyes are slitted; he looks furious, shifting his gaze back and forth from Ben to the condom he reflexively caught when Ben threw it at him. Ben would be worried, but he sees the bulge in John’s jeans. He knows he’s going to get what he wants; he just needs to turn John’s higher brain functions off.

Explicit, PWP. After a bad day, Ben just needs to get fucked – and who better to do it than Officer Cuddlybear? Oh, fuck me sideways, this is so indescribably hot.

Need, by maurheti

Empty Streets and Bright Lights He’s Walking, by maurheti

And then Ben is in John’s face, eyes bright and angry, his palm on John’s chest to push him back into the chair. “You are going to sit here and I am going to shave off that shit on your face, and for once you are going to stop being so fucking stubborn.” John blinks and shifts slightly, pushing against Ben’s hand a little, testing. Ben just runs his hand up to John’s shoulder and then grabs onto the back of the chair, still leaning in, and John has no idea what’s happening here anymore.

Mature, post-rehab. Ngh. This is ridiculously sexy, and I love Cooper’s befuddlement and helpless arousal.

Empty Streets and Bright Lights He’s Walking, by maurheti