I Claim My Territory At Your Front Door, by Paraxdisepink – Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own] | https://archiveofourown.org/

Someone has been in his bedroom. Someone who’s hungry. Nothing else is disturbed or missing.

It’s still an intrusion and he’s Captain America. He’s expected to call SHIELD with their forensics. He has deadly enemies, one of them above all others on SHIELD’s wanted list. Yet all Steve can do is stand at the window staring out at what he can see of the city three stories below, his insides knotting up with hope. The files described the Winter Soldier as an expert tracker. If any of Steve’s enemies could find where he lived it would be him.

That should have given Steve twice as much reason to call in SHIELD. The Winter Soldier is out there to kill him and to be in his sights is to die. But he’s Bucky too, in there somewhere, and after all the years they’ve scraped for food together during the Depression, the thought of Bucky out there hungry is too much to stomach.

Source: I Claim My Territory At Your Front Door, by Paraxdisepink – Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own] | https://archiveofourown.org/

Steve gets Bucky to come in from the cold, bit by careful bit…

fine and mellow, by reservoirgays

fine and mellow, by reservoirgays

Louder Than a Whisper, by zarabithia

The questioning eventually comes to Bucky. “Captain America,” a sharply dressed male reporter says, “what are your thoughts on repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?“ 

Steve feels a sharp twist in his gut, one that matches the nagging impulse that hasn’t left the back of his mind in the months since he made the decision to not come out.

Mature, comic!verse. I love comic!Steve & Bucky, and this Steve is so great – both during the war with Bucky and after his defrosting, forming new relationships and dealing with his sexuality in a world that hasn’t come quite as far as many would like to think.

Louder Than a Whisper, by zarabithia

The Merciless Hours, by togina

“I heard you’re the best shot on base,” Rogers said, staring out over the camp and toward the horizon. “Maybe the best shot in the Army.” 

His head swung around in surprise when Bucky’s response came out in a bitter laugh and a puff of smoke. “You been asking around, private, I can guarantee that ain’t all you heard.” He arched an eyebrow, letting his gaze drift down the broad contours of a chest visible below the cotton of the private’s shirt. “You interested?”

Teen, a bit underage, comic!verse. Bucky’s never been the kid sidekick. This is intense, and I’m utterly in love with Bucky & Steve’s relationship here.

The Merciless Hours, by togina

Home of the Brave, by bactaqueen

Bucky was going to give Steve a place to raise the family he wanted, whether Steve realized it or not.

Steve stared down at the papers for long, long moments before he set his coffee aside and reached for them. He looked up at Bucky. Something in his eyes made Bucky’s heart crawl into his throat.

Adult, h/c, spoilers for “Castaway in Dimension Z” & “Black Widow Hunt”. Steve is broken, and Bucky, quite a mess himself, just wants to do everything he can to fix him again. Somehow, on the way there, they stumble across happiness. This is the comics!Steve/Bucky of my heart, seriously. *flails*

Home of the Brave, by bactaqueen

Uniformly Terrible, by Chex (provetheworst)

Bucky finds the other costume not long after they get back from Europe. He’s joking around – “Where the hell did you get my costume in that size, anyway? I’ve grown like a foot since I was sixteen, I know that wasn’t the old one. What else are you hiding?”

Adult, comic!verse, uniform kink. I have a secret love for comic!Bucky/Steve, and this is funny as well as hot like burning, a winning combo!

Uniformly Terrible, by Chex (provetheworst)

We Require Certain Skills, by trinityofone

Bucky was all loose-limbed and languid, laughing as he flipped a square of chocolate into his mouth with a small flick of his tongue. “How else am I supposed to grow big and strong like you?”

Steve felt himself flush. He concentrated on hanging his jacket on its peg and fought the way Bucky’s laughter tugged at him as it changed from something light to a low, dark chuckle.

Adult, comic!verse. Bucky is underage, Steve isn’t much older, but still feels guilty (of course). Reading Brubaker’s Captain America, I must admit, something like this did cross my mind… 🙂 Love this take on comic!Bucky in the War!

We Require Certain Skills, by trinityofone