Witnessed, by Yahtzee

“Do you think he wants to ride her?” Capable had no gentler word in her vocabulary for it than “ride.” All the other words were much worse. “He’s taking his time about it, if he does.“ 

Cheedo nodded. "You think he’d try it while she’s still weak." 

"I bet he’d ask her first.” But Dag’s voice sounded doubtful.

Adult, post-MM:FR, voyeurism. Honestly, I’m glad the movie didn’t push a romantic angle, but that’s what fic is for, right? And I have a thing for outside POVs, and this one’s lovely, as the Wives see what sex can be for the first time.

Witnessed, by Yahtzee

Heavy Crown, by felonazcorp

She doesn’t realize the War Boys have stopped calling him “Blood Bag” and started calling him “First Husband,” not until she overhears one of them ask Capable where First Husband is.

Adult, post-MM:FR, polyamory (but ultimately not). This is somewhat OOC, but I liked it anyway – funny and sweet (also, sexy). 

Heavy Crown, by felonazcorp

Vid: ROAD WARS – The Imperator Strikes Back, by Krishna Shenoi

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj1P1eEZRtY?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]


This mashup is perfection! The way the two sources are edited together is totally flawless. Seriously, it makes me want to fistbump and highfive the universe.