“I have no idea how it works. Master Windu thought perhaps it has something to do with the crystals, but Master Yoda thought it might have been my mind-set when I built it. All I know is – I turn it on, and I’m gone. But I still have Qui-Gon’s ‘saber with me.“ He swallowed. “It’s all I have left of him, now. But I’m going to find him … I have to find him … I will find him …”
Adult, AU – so very AU… Different pairings, but Obi/Qui end goal. Also, warning for some pretty dark and messed up things that happen to poor Obi-Wan.
The Force keeps leading him to different realities, some close to the one we know, some very, very different. This is the ultimate AU fic, Obi-Wan encountering everything from gender swapped versions of familiar faces, words taken over by the Sith to actors playing Jedi in a tv show. After Very Bad Stuff happens, Obi’s pain causes the fic to drag at times (not that you can blame him), but I never stopped wishing for him to finally find a Qui-Gon to call his own.