Wait, What? – Chapter 1, by convolutedConcussion – Wynonna Earp (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

when Dolls comes to her, stony-faced and somber, something about that gets to her because he looks nervous.  She’s never seen that.  Uncertain?  Sure.  Worried?  Totally.  Never hand-wringingly anxious.

Heart hammering hard in her ears, she barely hears him ask her to come to his office.

As soon as she closes the door, he whirls around before she has a chance to ask how they’re all gonna die and says in a rush, “I need you to come to Arizona and be my girlfriend for a few days.”

Source: Wait, What? – Chapter 1, by convolutedConcussion – Wynonna Earp (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

I will never get tired of fake dating fics, and this one’s just plain lovely.

Feelings, and Solidarity Naps, by convolutedConcussion – Wynonna Earp (TV) [Archive of Our Own] | https://archiveofourown.org/

“Also, we’re here,” he says as they pull in front of an honest-to-god house.  Like, in the middle of town.  Where he has neighbors.

“What,” she says blankly.  Certain this is some kind of trick, she looks around.  “You’re not serious.”  He turns the engine off and cocks a brow at her and she gasps, “Oh my God, you’re serious.  You live right here!  You’ve—you haven’t lived here the whole time?”

Amusement crinkles the corners of his eyes as he replies, “No, I have not lived here the whole time, but I have lived here for a while.”

“Since when?” she demands, feeling a little unreal like the world’s tilted beneath her.

Source: Feelings, and Solidarity Naps, by convolutedConcussion – Wynonna Earp (TV) [Archive of Our Own] | https://archiveofourown.org/

A funny and sweet (and yet completely in-character) first time fic for a ship I have a very real fondness for, even if it was doomed.