The Queen of Wishful Thinking, by megyal – Fall Out Boy [Archive of Our Own]

So, Ashlee isn’t exactly the top of the Mensa heap, but she’s not blind, you know?

“You touch Patrick a lot,” she muses out of the blue, voice raised to carry over the pulsing music playing at the dance-floor, during one of the many after-parties they’ve been invited to. Pete looks slightly taken aback. “I mean. Like all the time.”

Source: The Queen of Wishful Thinking, by megyal – Fall Out Boy [Archive of Our Own]

Ashlee starts something without quite realising what it means. This is not a poly fic…

Yeah Baby, by Bexless – Bandom [Archive of Our Own] |

Ray should have been allowed to come and find Gerard! He was the lead guitar player of their band and the set list was as much up to him as it was to anyone else, and if he wanted to discuss it with his lead singer then he should have been allowed to do that whenever he wanted. He should not have had to issue a written warning first, or text or call, or even knock, which he was desperately wishing he had done, because there was Gerard on the couch, facing away from Ray, not wearing a shirt and getting his dick sucked.

Source: Yeah Baby, by Bexless – Bandom [Archive of Our Own] |

I love me some outside POV, and this one’s both insanely hot and incredibly funny.

Darkness Lead Me Home (Step Nine Remix), by dancinbutterfly – Panic! at the Disco [Archive of Our Own]

Brendon is his very best friend which is what makes calling Ryan so fucking hard.

The best friend tier used to be filled by Ryan, wholly and completely. Then there was South Africa, screaming at each other in a hotel lobby then grappling with each other into an elevator and pushing each other into each of the four walls of the little metal box as their lips tore holes in their souls.

Source: Darkness Lead Me Home (Step Nine Remix), by dancinbutterfly – Panic! at the Disco [Archive of Our Own]

Spencer in rehab, making amends. Oh, how I wish this was longer!

If Forever Comes, by mandy_croyance – Bandom [Archive of Our Own]

He’s paralyzed with fear and regret and a healthy dose of self-disgust. It’s just… Spencer, he’s not ready to move forward but he doesn’t know how to go back either.

And one look at him makes Ryan feel a little pity curl around his heart, a touch of guilt knock against his stomach. “You know I love you, right?” he whispers, sitting down next to Spencer on the bed and tugging out one of Spencer’s hands in order to lace their fingers. “Even if you’re not. I’ll be okay if you’re not. You’re my best friend, Spencer.”

Spencer nods again and somehow finds to courage to meet Ryan’s warm chocolate eyes. For a moment all they do is stare, but then Ryan’s thumb glides over Spencer’s cheek and Spencer subconsciously licks his lips in anticipation.

This time, Ryan kisses him.

Source: If Forever Comes, by mandy_croyance – Bandom [Archive of Our Own]

A haunting, bittersweet first time, told out of order in a way that is altogether perfect.

Problems, by orphan_account – Panic! at the Disco [Archive of Our Own]

“You’re freaking Bren and Jon out, you freak.”

Ryan throws a bottlecap at Spencer’s head where he’s sitting across the couch, but inside he’s panicking. “Howso?” He asks, hoping his underlying panic attack isn’t too obvious.

Spencer leans back into the couch. “Apparently you’re being a little girl, which is just offensive to little girls quite frankly.” He grins lazily, and Ryan hates how his stomach does flips. It didn’t used to be like this. It used to just be Spencer and Ryan, not Spencer and Ryan and Feelings.

Source: Problems, by orphan_account – Panic! at the Disco [Archive of Our Own]

A funny little getting-together thing. I just really love best friends-to-lovers, okay?

Act as a Clever Medicine, by Zee (orphan_account) – Fall Out Boy [Archive of Our Own] |

Pete’s arm slides over his shoulder to hug his back, protectively. “You’ve been attacked by a crazy fan. That makes you officially a rock star, Patrick Stump.”

“As you can see, it’s very glamorous,” Joe pipes up from his other side. They appear to be flanking him and herding him back to the van, which Patrick is okay with, because he can’t see all that well. Pete’s arm tightens, and Patrick is suddenly very aware that if he turned his head slightly, his lips would brush Pete’s ear, or neck.

Source: Act as a Clever Medicine, by Zee (orphan_account) – Fall Out sBoy [Archive of Our Own] |

Sometimes you just have to go back and re-read a classic sex pollen fic with your old OTP… 😉

The Best Sound in the World by Draicana [PATD/FOB, multiple pairings]: bandombigbang

When you work in retail in a quiet shopping centre, there’s not a whole lot to do except gossip and fall in love. Luckily, the latter provides the former, especially when there’s a love hexagon involved.

Source: The Best Sound in the World by Draicana [PATD/FOB, multiple pairings]: bandombigbang

Teen, mall AU. This is so sweet, and the Pete/Patrick just melts my heart. If I remember correctly I even made a fanmix for it, just because. 🙂

There’s A Light On In Chicago, by seimaisin – Bandom [Archive of Our Own]

Patrick is a widower and young father. Pete is an advertising exec with a failing relationship. When Patrick’s daughter makes a call to a radio shrink, lives intersect and shenanigans ensue.

Source: There’s A Light On In Chicago, by seimaisin – Bandom [Archive of Our Own]

Teen, Sleepless in Seattle AU. Another old favourite.

In This White House, by Jai

In This White House Bands: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, The Hush Sound, The Cab, Cobra Starship Pairings: Frank/Gerard(/Lindsey/Jamia), Greta/Ian, Bob/Brian, Cash/Marshall, Panic GSF, Pete/Patrick, mentions of Mikey/Pete, Mikey/Alicia, Chris/Darren, and Cobra GSF Word…

Source: In This White House: bandombigbang

In which Gerard set out to change the world by going into politics. His staff is the weirdest the White House has ever seen… Revisiting some old favourites – this all-bandom big bang AU is still golden.