to boldly go, by gdgdbaby, neenya – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

He isn’t enrolled in the class, and he isn’t here for his own personal edification, either. To be completely frank, which Yibo always strives to be, he’s here because Commander Xiao is, in a word, beautiful.

Source: to boldly go, by gdgdbaby, neenya – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

This Star Trek AU is simply delightful – funny and hot.

Stripped, by vesna (mrsronweasley) – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

“Excuse me,” Xiao Zhan says, coming up to him. “Are you Wang Yibo?”

The guy’s chair lands on all four legs and he turns and looks up at him and Xiao Zhan’s heart leaps straight into his throat.

It’s the nude model from his class.

Holy shit, it’s the nude model from his class.

Source: Stripped, by vesna (mrsronweasley) – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

A deliciously sexy uni AU. *chef’s kiss*

It Does A Body Good, by uschickens – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

Zhu Yilong flipped through the folders, raising an eyebrow at some of the pie charts. “Did we really pay you to watch porn on company time?”

The intern flushed alarmingly, and Cao Yuzhen said reprovingly, “We provide a housing and transportation stipend for interns, not a salary. Technically they got class credit for watching porn.”

“Much better,” Zhu Yilong murmured. He made a good show of going through all the portfolios, making notes, and hmmming thoughtfully, but his decision had been made from the moment Han Qinghua burst into his office to proclaim, “We’re gonna pay Bai Yu to fuck himself with our new toy and make millions of yuan off it. It’s gonna be great.”

Source: It Does A Body Good, by uschickens – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

In which Zhu Yilong semi-accidentally ends up being the CEO of a sex toy (excuse me, adult device) company and Bai Yu is hired to test their latest product. This porn AU is both hysterically funny and insanely hot, one of my favourite combinations. 😉

The Girl Can Drink, by jericho – Backstreet Boys [Archive of Our Own] |

“You’re pretty, though,” Howie said.

“That does not make me feel better right now. And look.” AJ slid the bathrobe off his shoulders, letting it fall to his waist. Howie looked away.

“No,” AJ said. “No, look.”

Howie turned slowly, cautiously, and peeked at AJ. Tattoos bled down AJ’s arms, a dragon one crawling up his back. Exactly in the same spots where AJ had always had tattoos, except now they were on a woman’s body.

Howie extended his hand, looking like he might touch them, and pulled it back. “Wow.”

Source: The Girl Can Drink, by jericho – Backstreet Boys [Archive of Our Own] |

Sometimes one just has to dip one’s toes back into (very) old fandom waters. This is still one of the best turned-into-a-girl fics I’ve ever read.

Act as a Clever Medicine, by Zee (orphan_account) – Fall Out Boy [Archive of Our Own] |

Pete’s arm slides over his shoulder to hug his back, protectively. “You’ve been attacked by a crazy fan. That makes you officially a rock star, Patrick Stump.”

“As you can see, it’s very glamorous,” Joe pipes up from his other side. They appear to be flanking him and herding him back to the van, which Patrick is okay with, because he can’t see all that well. Pete’s arm tightens, and Patrick is suddenly very aware that if he turned his head slightly, his lips would brush Pete’s ear, or neck.

Source: Act as a Clever Medicine, by Zee (orphan_account) – Fall Out sBoy [Archive of Our Own] |

Sometimes you just have to go back and re-read a classic sex pollen fic with your old OTP… 😉

yesterday, tomorrow – Chapter 1, by sophiahelix – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

Before he’s even finished reading, Xiao Zhan knows this is the script, the one that could alter the course of his career. Not like Chen Qing Ling changed his life six years ago, catapulting him from a minor idol to a household name, or the way his more serious roles have slowly taken him to the upper echelons of dramatic actors. This is a love story, daring and bold, groundbreaking and unforgettable, if only he’s brave enough to do it.

So of course, eventually, they bring up the idea of casting Yibo as his lover.

Source: yesterday, tomorrow – Chapter 1, by sophiahelix – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

Beautiful and entirely captivating I mainlined all 80k of this in one day. Gorgeous slow burn (despite a whole lot of sexing)! 🙂

Falling – Chapter 1, by brooklinegirl – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

Yibo kicks at Xiao Zhan’s ankle.

Xiao Zhan ignores him.

Yibo sighs heavily, looks down at his phone, scrolls a little. Takes a sip of water. Kicks Xiao Zhan’s ankle again.

“My friend,” Xiao Zhan says absently. “Do you remember? About the murder?”

“I do.” Yibo says it cheerfully and is pleased when Xiao Zhan drops his phone into his lap and turns fully towards Yibo. “Do you remember how pretty I am, though?”

Xiao Zhan tilts his head at him. “How could I forget, Wang Yibo?”

Yibo feels his grin get bigger—he can’t help it. What is it about Xiao Zhan using his full name like that that gets him going? He just likes it so much. He wants him to do it again.

Source: Falling – Chapter 1, by brooklinegirl – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

Will I ever get tired of fics set during that magical summer? Nope. Especially when they’re delicious and hot like this one.

Is there in truth no beauty?, by greenfionn – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

wei ying is very handsome

who wouldn’t want to give him a hand

It’s not like Xiao Zhan wasn’t red in the face before, but he’s reaching new levels now. Who are they talking about, him or Wei Wuxian? His cock is aching, pressed between his belly and the mattress, and he rolls his hips slightly.

Source: Is there in truth no beauty?, by greenfionn – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

Holy smokes – they don’t even have sex in this one, but it’s incredibly hot! Also, Yibo is a gremlin and I love him.

The Flirting Kind, by brooklinegirl – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

Saint flirts outrageously onstage. It’s not the same way it was on the show, when he was in character. That flirting was scripted. That flirting had pacing, and blocking, and retakes.

This flirting is very different from that. Saint’s constantly drifting into Zee’s space, close to him, brushing his fingers down his arm, looking at him with his head tilted down, his hot gaze coming up through his eyelashes – similar to how he’d do it when in character as Tutor, but intensely more than that.

It’s making Zee sweat.

Source: The Flirting Kind, by brooklinegirl – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

Excuse me while I die from the sheer hotness that is this fic. It’s just so full of desperation and sexy, sexy smut… *fans self*

Epiphany, by sunsetmog – The Lord of the Rings RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

It sure as hell hadn’t happened before. Billy would have noticed.

He would have fucking noticed if he’d previously felt the need to rip Dom’s clothes off and lick him all over and lie him down in a bed full of chocolate buttons and let them melt.

He would have fucking noticed, right?

Source: Epiphany, by sunsetmog – The Lord of the Rings RPF [Archive of Our Own] |

Dear god, I loved this ship so much, and this fic is everything! Delirious, hilarious and hot as anything.