Want To Be Your Everything, by brooklinegirl – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

“Am I better?” Tutor asks. “Is it better, with me?”

“Everything’s better with you,” Fighter says, his voice coming out rough the way it does when he’s all worked up. Tutor likes him so much. So much.

“Better than high school kisses?” Tutor says, teasingly.

Fighter nudges at his chin with his lips, pushing Tutor’s head to the side so he can nibble at his neck. “I didn’t kiss anyone in high school,” he mumbles against Tutor’s skin

Source: Want To Be Your Everything, by brooklinegirl – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Tutor finds out he was Fighter’s first – for everything. He likes it. A lot. 🙂

Narak – Chapter 1, by thisautistic – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own] | https://archiveofourown.org/

Most people could not predict it, because outside the bedroom Fighter always lived up to his nickname. However, Tutor was a scholar and one of his favorite subjects was his P’. This new job at his father’s company was rough on him. There were many a day when Fighter would come home, dark circles under his eye, his shoulders tense. Tutor wanted to weep for him on those days. He didn’t though. He did this instead.

Source: Narak – Chapter 1, by thisautistic – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own] | https://archiveofourown.org/

I lovelovelove sub!Fighter, and this one’s just *chef’s kiss*…

take me right across the line, by misspamela – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

“So are you going to tell me what you’re planning or are you going to surprise me?” Fighter asked. He wasn’t sure which one he wanted, honestly.

“It’s simple. You don’t come until I tell you to,” Tutor said. He leaned back against the back of the couch, like he was lounging on a throne, not some cheap futon. His expression wasn’t what Fighter was used to seeing on him; no smiles, no cute pouting, no brattiness. The normal soft curve of his lips was set into something more firm, a little mean. Tutor’s eyes were dark, hooded, staring. He looked scary. And hot.

Source: take me right across the line, by misspamela – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Holy smokes, this fic doesn’t keep just Fighter on the edge… *fans self*

This is the Ride I’m On, by brooklinegirl – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Fighter has never wanted anything in his whole life the way that he wants Tutor. He has no road map for this. He’s never known anything like this. He thought he understood sex. He liked girls; girls definitely liked him. He’d fooled around with HwaHwa and it was good. She’d given him a blowjob once and he hadn’t come from it, but he had when she’d jerked him off later. It was fine.

He realizes now that he doesn’t understand anything.

Source: This is the Ride I’m On, by brooklinegirl – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Absolutely perfect Fighter POV, capturing both the amazing chemistry and the many emotions. *chef’s kiss*

baby don’t stop, by misspamela – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Fighter didn’t think being in love would involve this much lust.

Source: baby don’t stop, by misspamela – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Breathtakingly hot Fighter POV of the pool scene.

i’ll get you lost (but i’m having fun), by sneakiest – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

He did a determined Boolean search the first time Fighter kissed him in a terrible impulse at Hwa’s party and his lips tingled for what felt like hours after. Tutor told himself there was no correlation. He was steadfast that Fighter’s taste and the smooth white V of skin exposed by his shirt and the searches about hygiene and mechanics and water-soluble lube were separate entities, but truthfully, he was doing what Tutor does best: planning. Planning for what he now knows was the inevitability of Fighter touching him, fucking him, and not causing an embarrassment or a trip to the E.R. It’s only smart to do research, to be prepared, and Tutor is, as all his teachers and friends say, smart.

Source: i’ll get you lost (but i’m having fun), by sneakiest – เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Careful planner Tutor and subby Fighter… a match made in my own personal heaven. 😉