Equation Heaven Sent, by Inkfire – Doctor Who (2005) [Archive of Our Own] | https://archiveofourown.org/

River senses his hesitation and moves away. Unconsciously, he finds his fingers tightening, holding her head close to his. Her eyes grip his and there is a glow to them he cannot believe appeared in the last few minutes. Perhaps he is only now perceiving it. Something in her shines. Something opened.

He wants it, more of it, but he is afraid to ask, afraid to stand too close, unveil too much of himself.

He feels like his whole perception is shifting, being rewritten. He feels her, acutely—sees so much of her, in her, senses the warmth of her body, the hint of her perfume, the shift of her curls stirring the air. That hot, buzzing air between them. He just found out that her skin feels ever so soft.

Source: Equation Heaven Sent, by Inkfire – Doctor Who (2005) [Archive of Our Own] | https://archiveofourown.org/

This is it, the first time fic of my heart for River and the Doctor. Or rather, for the Doctor – this is an utterly captivating peek into his mind, his heart.

Vid: River Song’s Death – 2015 Version, by Lyndon Coleman

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-wgLFj6bbI?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]


Aww, River’s final speech in Forest of the Dead with beautiful flashbacks (forwards?) to the Christmas special – made my go all teary-eyed…

but if I fall for you, I’ll never recover, by Del (goddessdel)

“It’s not a snog box, River!” His hearts were racing in his ears, his indignation short-lived and all but a token protest, his trousers tight and hips tilting up into hers helplessly.


 "Oh, she absolutely is, Doctor.“ And her mouth pressed against his – open to refute her claim – quite decidedly.

Adult, post-Wedding of River Song. The Doctor looks in on River on her very first archeological dig. Utterly delightful smut.

but if I fall for you, I’ll never recover, by Del (goddessdel)

Vid: Before I Met You, by Phiz (phizzle)

These are just ghosts that broke my heart before I met you.

River. The Doctor and the people he loved (and lost) before her. This touched me deep down, and not just because I kept wondering what my darling Phiz (who passed away) would have thought of the way River’s story ended. Music by Laura Marling.

Vid: Before I Met You, by Phiz (phizzle)

Five Times the Twelfth Doctor was There for River When She Needed Him, and One Time She was There for Him, by ponygirl

“Honey, I’m home…” The priceless alabaster chalice slipped from River’s hands and shattered on the stone floor before the soft brogue of Gallifrey-via-Glasgow had completely faded from her ears, and she spun around, disbelieving.

Teen, 12/River. I so very much want the Doctor and River’s story to continue, and this is perfect!

Five Times the Twelfth Doctor was There for River When She Needed Him, and One Time She was There for Him, by ponygirl