North of the Wall, by Hussy_Riot (TheIrisRainbird) – The Eagle | The Eagle of the Ninth – All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]

Dergdian stood waiting for them. He was holding one end of a chain. At the other end was a collared man: a dark-haired, golden-skinned creature, as Roman as Esca was British. Even through his tunic, the bulk of his muscled body was unmistakable. Esca’s heart almost stopped.

“I would have offered you to fight him,” the queen said (he could no longer think of her as merely his hostess when the sinking sun made her hair and skin gleam like that of a goddess), “but you have travelled far, and he is fierce. Dergdian will fight him for your entertainment.”

Source: North of the Wall, by Hussy_Riot (TheIrisRainbird) – The Eagle | The Eagle of the Ninth – All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]

In which Marcus is the slave of matriarchal Seal People, but things aren’t quite as they seem… Delicious.

closed by a thread, by addandsubtract – The Eagle | The Eagle of the Ninth (2011) [Archive of Our Own]

Uncle, though. Esca remembers Aquila asking after his nephew at the hangar when they arrived, but he hadn’t realized that the nephew was a pilot. The pilot they need a copilot for is an Aquila. The thought of it makes Esca’s chest tighten, caught between excitement and dread. Would it be a sick revenge, to drift with the man whose father caused the death of Esca’s? Would it be justice? He can’t be sure.

Source: closed by a thread, by addandsubtract – The Eagle | The Eagle of the Ninth (2011) [Archive of Our Own]

Esca gets into the jaeger program from prison with one goal – kill kaiju and die nobly. Obviously Marcus will help with the first but refuse to let him do the latter. Awesome Pacific Rim AU!

First Kiss, by awarrington – The Eagle (2011) [Archive of Our Own]

Of course we Britons kiss and have a word for it – cusen – but it’s usually used for affection where the mouth is pressed against the head or cheek, usually of a child, but sometimes other family members and occasionally close friends. This touching of mouths together is something new the Romans have introduced, but it’s not a widespread practice even among them – at least in public.

Source: First Kiss, by awarrington – The Eagle (2011) [Archive of Our Own]

I don’t usually go for first-person stories, but I really love Esca here, and his ruminations on kissing – and Marcus, of course, now that he’s free. 🙂

Nightingale, by Saucery

Marcus – didn’t step back. His courage, really, ought to have been lauded; as it was, it was a mere unremarked-on necessity. His contract specified that he not engage in communication with the client, but it also stipulated that were a response commanded, he would, if the environment were secure enough, be compelled to obey. 

Esca knew that, of course. The brat knew everything. “Come here, Marcus.”

Mature, AU. Esca is a dancer, Marcus his bodyguard. It goes about as well as expected. Intense!

Nightingale, by Saucery

Local Healing Traditions, by resperella

Esca sighs and tries to keep the snap of fear out of his voice. “I’m not your slave any longer. You’re not forcing me.” If anything, the opposite is true: guilt twists around his stomach at the reminder of exactly how little choice Marcus has in this. But it has to be done – and if Esca’s arousal is obscene, at least it will make everything faster.

Adult, post-movie, sex pollen. The very best kind of sex pollen fic – the kind that acknowledges the murky consent issues and is chock-full of emotions (in addition to the hot sex, of course).

Local Healing Traditions, by resperella