Strange Little Girl, by IrenaK – Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) [Archive of Our Own]

They called her a good queen, she heard.

But a bit odd, she almost always heard immediately thereafter.

She wasn’t sure she could argue with that.

Source: Strange Little Girl, by IrenaK – Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) [Archive of Our Own]

A great Snow character study, with the added polyamory bonus.

three moments of thought, by lalaietha – Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) [Archive of Our Own]

It’s William who reminds her of Eric. No – that isn’t true. She never forgets Eric, would never forget Eric, could never forget Eric. No more than she could forget William, ever, and that thought is a deep one, a thought in her bones and marrow: that’s where William’s written, and Eric too now.

Source: three moments of thought, by lalaietha – Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) [Archive of Our Own]

A lovely coda to the movie.

Draußen, jenseits der Mauern, die Jagd, by lenija – Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) [Archive of Our Own]

„Wo ist der Jäger?“ fragt William. Ich erschrecke ein wenig. Schüttle den Kopf.
William mustert mich eigentümlich. Ich halte seinem Blick stand und versuche, den Jungen von vorher, nein, von früher darin zu erkennen. Wenn wir so ruhig und maßvoll an diesem Tisch sitzen, ist das schwierig; ich erkenne mich ja nicht einmal selber.

Source: Draußen, jenseits der Mauern, die Jagd, by lenija – Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) [Archive of Our Own]

I don’t really read German anymore, but I had a great yearning for a poly fic with these three – and this fic delivers beautifully.