Don’t Look Down, by surreallis

He doesn’t say anything, but he looks hurt and then he looks mad and then he’s leaning toward her and kissing her and his long fingers are in her hair, curling around her neck. She can’t be startled too long because his mouth is almost hot and his tongue is silk, and all she can read from him is his answer: This. It’s this.

Adult. Short and to the point, I can totally see this happen. Alex & Bobby are hard to get right, but this definitely manages.

Don’t Look Down, by surreallis

FIC: Castaway, by surreallis

He stands and he waits and he feels a numbness wash over him, and he’s grateful. Ross glances at him and nods and then he and one of the Marshals walk out and close the door behind them.

Eames looks at him, and he feels the breath tremble a bit in his lungs.

“I’m sorry, Bobby,” she says, quietly, and her eyes are pain.

He doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t trust himself to open his mouth. Hey, Eames. Don’t leave me.

Adult, AU. This is by far the best Goren/Eames I’ve read – it’s just so utterly in character, despite taking them out of their normal surroundings, with Alex being put in witness protection and Bobby coping about as well as expected. Their voices are spot-on – and the sex is awesome. 🙂

FIC: Castaway, by surreallis