Vid: Whole New Way, by mresundance

Whole New Way by mresundance Song and Artist: “Whole New Way” by The Scissor Sisters Fandoms: Sherlock Holmes (2009), Sherlock (BBC), Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle) Length: 03:00 Summary: Holmes/Watson/Fandom. Epic romance since 1887. Warnings: Spoilers. If you’re sensitive to extremely…

Source: New Vid: Whole New Way – a neon bolt of lightning

A classic multi-Sherlock vid, still one of my faves.

The Important Bit, by Solshine – Sherlock (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

They get married for a case.

Well of course they do, of course they get married for a case, however farfetched that is, and the only thing surprising about this is how long it took Sherlock to find a case for which to get them married. A little over three years is how long, three years since they met, but he’s only been keeping an eye open for one for the last year. It’s still surprising.

Source: The Important Bit, by Solshine – Sherlock (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Rated G, asexual!Sherlock/straight!Watson marriage fic. 30 years of domestic bliss neither one of them expected (John less than Sherlock).

The Brigadier’s Sword, by Drunk in Charge

“Jealous! Jealous indeed!” He spun round to face me, clearly furious, his jaw working, then once more masterfully pulled his emotions back under control, sending a shiver down my spine. I was almost sorry. Holmes, when he comes alive, is an intoxicating sight.

Adult. A man John has admired since his Army days stirs things up for Holmes and Watson… This is a perfect first time fic, getting the language of the original canon absolutely spot-on.

The Brigadier’s Sword, by Drunk in Charge