It’s not over, by Mattalexa

Shit! Why the hell was this so difficult? The shock of actually seeing Olli again hit him much harder than he thought and no mental planning could have prepared him for this. His stomach was beginning to protest and the heat from the stove behind him made him feel dizzy. Yet, all Christian wanted to do was rush across the room, wrap his arms around Olli and just hold on, feel his warmth once again envelope him and his breath in his hair. But he no longer had that right, did he? He had given up that privilege when he signed those damn divorce papers after they had been returned to his attorney with Olli’s signature.

Adult, AU post-(final) break-up. I stopped watching the Christian/Olli storyline long before Christian’s final departure (before their first wedding, even) but had heard about the mess the fans were left with. This story manages to have our guys act like actual adults, acknowledging the importance of their relationship without erasing the mistakes they made. Also, the sex is hot, as befits the chemistry we saw on screen.

ETA: Sadly the fic has been deleted.

It’s not over, by Mattalexa

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