This ship was intense, as this vid shows perfectly. *goosebumps*
Tag: Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Vid: need your heart
chasing setting suns
Rating: T
Pairing: Jace/Alec
“When he looked like this – relaxed in his sleep, wrapped up in his white cloak as if it would actually protect him from the cold – it was easy to forget that Alec wasn’t actually human.”
Notes: An AU based on the world of Legend of the Seeker. Further clarifications inside, but that’s pretty much all there is to it.
This works incredibly well, I love it to pieces!
Vid: I Like That, by Catarina
Richard. Kahlan, Cara and Denna. His life, so hard. 🙂 Music by Static Revenger & Richard Vission ft. Luciana.
Vid: …and ladies with pretty hair, by hollywoodgrrl
“Swords, wizards, magic, fighting, forests, tyrants, prophesizing, lotsa running, and ladies with pretty hair.” Basically an awesome showdown between Legend of the Seeker and Merlin. Which totally works 100%. (Seriously, the ENDING! *g*) Music: Running, by Menomena.
Vid: Pain, Mord-Sith Style, by ana-jo
“Pain, Mord-Siths do it better!!” Kahlan, Denna & Cara, doing Mord-Sith-y things beautifully – to Richard, always poor Richard. 🙂 Music: Pain by Three Days Grace.
Vid: into your eyes, by universalchange
Beautiful – this has a dream-like quality I really like and showcases the love between Richard and Kahlan beautifully. Music: Too Late, by M83.
ETA: The link seems to have disappeared. I do have the vid saved, if you want it. 🙂