Like Mars Himself, by DevilDoll – Alexander Trilogy – Mary Renault [Archive of Our Own] |

While Hephaistion sank into the bed, feeling as if his bones had pleasantly turned to warm oil, Alexander was silent and still, except to sigh.

Hephaistion’s heart, so recently buoyed by love, sank.

Source: Like Mars Himself, by DevilDoll – Alexander Trilogy – Mary Renault [Archive of Our Own] |

This one’s just a perfect little gem, sweet and just a little sad.

Vid: Blue Blood, by xbreathofmadness



A modern day!AU – there’s a lot of fic like this out there, which is not usually my cup of tea. But this vid is just so well done, it manages to tell the story beautifully. Music by Laurel.

Vid: bang bang, by lucia



Ugh, right in the feels – this pulls no punches in showing the dark times in Alexander and Hephaestion’s relationship. Music by 2Cellos ft. Sky Ferreira.

Vid: Stripped, by MrsRoxelanne



This vid owns my heart! The portrayal of Achilles & Patroclus in the movie Troy was very disappointing (like the whole movie, really), but the vidder manages to draw out the underlying emotions beautifully by mirroring them with Alexander and Hephaestion. Heartbreakingly perfect! Music by Shiny Toy Guns.

In Haste at Noon, by toujours_nigel

And to this boy he had to leave Alexander, and trust that he would be kept safe and sane and convinced that he bled red blood and that sorrow for a beloved friend shamed him not at all. Already—always—he was too inclined to disappear behind the mask, become hero, king, Achilles, Son of Ammon, Great King, inviolate and inhuman, and to keep him simply golden Alexander whose hands grasped so greedily at the unknown had been the work of too many years to let Persian hands daintily unpick his many patched-over attempts at field-surgery.

Hephaestion POV after Cleitus’ murder, this captures Renault’s style, making this feel like a bitter-sweet glimpse into the General’s mind.

In Haste at Noon, by toujours_nigel