La Mariée, by maren – Buffy the Vampire Slayer [Archive of Our Own]

“Your name is on one of the destination stickers. Crate all the way at the back. Figured you might want to take the contents with you tonight if it checks out, ‘stead of waiting for processing at those slow ass Council offices. ”

Buffy feels her heart start to pound and her whole body tenses.

Source: La Mariée, by maren – Buffy the Vampire Slayer [Archive of Our Own]

In a distant future, an immortal Buffy lives in one of the few island enclaves left for humanity. And sometimes, she gets something in the mail… This is a fascinating what-if, bittersweet because it feels so possible.

one girl in all the world, by Wildehack (Tyleet)

Someone could wish the whole world different, if she really tried. You could have a world without shrimp, or a world with nothing but shrimp. You could even make a world where everyone was happy, and no one died, not even once. In this world, Buffy Summers does not drown at sixteen. 

Teen, wishverse. I just re-watched The Wish and got this hankering to find out more about that Buffy. Turns out she’s not quite the lone wolf she seemed in the ep. 🙂 (And like the fic, we’ll ignore the inevitable ending.)

one girl in all the world, by Wildehack (Tyleet)

And Never Sought the Wiser to Touch the Ground Again, by coalitiongirl

“You’re the slayer,” he realized. “Betty…Bunny…Cordy’s friend. Aren’t you in Sunnydale?”

“Buffy,” she corrected. “And yeah, I would be, but Cordelia called me the other day to tell me that her boss Angel, the famed vampire with a soul, has completely lost his mind.” She kicked high, nicking him in the chin and sending him tumbling to the ground, flat on his back. 

PG, AU. What if Buffy and Angel had only met after they’d both done some growing up? This, absolutely. I love that it avoids the usual pitfalls of this pairing while still ringing completely true for both characters.

And Never Sought the Wiser to Touch the Ground Again, by coalitiongirl

Five Ways Buffy and Angel Never Meet And Never Have To Say I Love You, by LAndrews

“Angel,” she says.

He knows his line. He whispers, “Buffy.”

Adult, AU, post-NFA. These are mostly very angsty, but also beautiful in their darkness, two souls finding each other, even if they’re not meant to stay together.

Five Ways Buffy and Angel Never Meet And Never Have To Say I Love You, by LAndrews