A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement – Chapter 1, by Brenda – Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]

“This will go ever so much easier on both of us if you treated me like I had eyes in my head and a brain,” she said, interrupting him without regret. She wanted, more than anything, to wipe that fearful look off of his face. “I promise, I’m not trying to trap you or to blue-card you. In fact, I’d like us to come to some sort of arrangement where Steve is concerned.”

Source: A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement – Chapter 1, by Brenda – Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]

This is a love triangle after my own heart… After all, in a real triangle, all points are connected. 😉

Peggy Carter has a few ideas, by owlet

Peggy watched James. She watched James watch Steve. She watched Steve watch her, except:

It took some time, but she saw it. 

When Steve was tired, especially, when his accent thickened and his posture slumped a little. Then it wasn’t Peggy he looked for. It was James. 

Those poor boys.

Didn’t they read The Iliad in America?

Adult, polyamory. Happy little story (although less so considering we know what happens next…), in which the boys are clueless – but luckily Peggy is beyond awesome. 🙂

Peggy Carter has a few ideas, by owlet