And the moonbeams kiss the sea, by HyacinthsSoul – My Engineer (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

When Duen is absolutely frank with himself, he has to admit these contradictions are part of what delights him about Bohn. He’d burst into Duen’s narrow, dutiful life like a Bang Fai rocket, laughing, teasing and vibrant, larger than life and twice as handsome, and nothing has been the same since.

“I do want to kiss him,” Duen confesses. “But I want the moment to be right.”

Source: And the moonbeams kiss the sea, by HyacinthsSoul – My Engineer (TV) [Archive of Our Own] |

What if there had been a bit more communication… Everything would have hurt less, that’s what.

Irreversibly and Gravitationally Yours, by Kari_Kurofai – My Engineer (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

New territory exposed, Bohn wastes no time resuming his previous position, letting Duen pull him back onto his lap. He’s so busy looking, admiring the view and shivering into that first, full bare press of their bodies together that he doesn’t register the telltale click of a cap being flicked open until Duen gets a hand in between them and gathers them both against a well lubed palm. Bohn jerks into the touch with a groan, eyes fluttering shut as the motion is repeated a second, a third time. He struggles on his next inhale, forces his eyes open to stare at the sure-minded focus on Duen’s face, and blurts out, “Oh my god have you been on the internet?!”

Source: Irreversibly and Gravitationally Yours, by Kari_Kurofai – My Engineer (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Horny no-filter hedonist Bohn and surprise service top Duen are my new favourite things.