surfaces wiped, civilisations saved, by herewebloodygo – Doctor Who & Related Fandoms [Archive of Our Own]

Rogue sharpens his tongue on the words. The Doctor tries not to cut himself on them as they go past his ear. Tries not to think about whether he’d cut himself kissing the mercenary, whether that sharp tongue would make him taste blood.

He thinks about the last times he’s wanted something this badly. Wonders if they’d tasted like blood at the time or if hindsight is doing some heavy lifting.

Then again, Rogue’s watching him like he’s something that someone should be careful with, and sure, maybe he brings the blood with him, but maybe Rogue won’t mind.

He wonders what Rogue tastes like. He bets it’s got a kick to it.

Source: surfaces wiped, civilisations saved, by herewebloodygo – Doctor Who & Related Fandoms [Archive of Our Own]

Breathless and beautiful, this is a great look at how the dynamic between the Doctor and Rogue might play out…

glory be, by Chainsawlicker – Boondock Saints (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]

“Murphy.” He can’t sweep this under the rug again. He won’t. “We can’t go on like this. I’m hurting ye and…and for some reason, yer letting me-”

Source: glory be, by Chainsawlicker – Boondock Saints (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]

Love how this one’s written. Especially love library research and Connor being determined not to leave the kink unnegotiated.

A Matter of Privacy – Chapter 1, by thewrongsideofmorality – Boondock Saints (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]

It’s not a conscious thought, but with the topic broached he looks around the sparse MacManus residence, scanning for a corner of privacy, but even the goddamn shitter is in the middle of the room, no walls or nothing.

“Speaking of…” he trails off, hoping the insinuation would be clear enough. When neither responds he bursts out bluntly.

“How do you fuck in here? Is there like a sock on the door system, or-“

Source: A Matter of Privacy – Chapter 1, by thewrongsideofmorality – Boondock Saints (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]

6 ways the MacManus twins deal with the lack of privacy in their squat. Love this – I have a weakness for outside POV, and the (explicitly incest) one from Murphy’s POV is deliciously hot in its codependency.

Into That Good Night – Chapter 1, by Nonymos – Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]

All of them, gone to the stars. And Steve soon to follow.

He stared in enthrallment for a minute or so. And then he realized something was written on the wall in front of which they’d posed, in golden letters sunk into the stone. When he realized what it was, his eyes widened.

Do not go gentle into that good night

“Hey,” said someone behind him, startling him badly. “You Rogers?”

Steve turned round, instinctively answering, “Yeah,” before they were even face-to-face.

The man was brown-haired, with long dirty hair and sunken eyes, in a SHIELD t-shirt and black pants. Scraped dog tags hung off his neck and read, SGT. J. CHEKOV.

He had a toneless voice, a pale blue gaze, and a prosthetic left arm.

 “I’m James.”

Source: Into That Good Night – Chapter 1, by Nonymos – Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]

Absolutely stunning (and painful) Interstellar!AU – or rather, not an AU but future fic ignoring Infinity War/Endgame. Seriously, this hurts so good.

Imagine Being Loved by Me, by IntoTheUnknown – Dead Boy Detectives (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

[Charles] wants to be alive again. Yeah, no shit. No one wants to be murdered at sixteen fucking years old. But there’s more to it;

He wants with a persistent, gnawing certainty to feel again. […]

He wants and he can’t ever have. No matter how many cases the Agency closes, no matter how many people they help, Charles wants what he can’t have. Not even Edwin, brilliantly clever Edwin, can fix that.

It’s okay though, because it’s Edwin and Charles against the world, and how could Charles ever be unhappy when there’s that? He and Edwin. The Dead Boy Detectives. Some days it’s enough to allow Charles to pretend he wants for nothing. Just him and Edwin -forever.

Source: Imagine Being Loved by Me, by IntoTheUnknown – Dead Boy Detectives (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

I am head over heals in love with these boys, and this fic just made me so damn happy. A great Charles voice.

Truth or Truth, by selfinduced – Shadowhunters (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

“Magnus’s clothes work great on Magnus, not you. You should have just asked him to take you shopping and he would’ve picked out something that works on you. Although I get wanting to wear your boyfriend’s clothes. I’d want–” He speeds up, running off again.

“You’d want what? It can’t be that bad, we’re not talking about serious stuff. I can take criticism.” Alec says gamely as he catches up with him.

“If we were together it’d make me even crazier to see you wearing my shirt than it already does now when you borrow them. Because I could actually do something about it. I’m just glad Magnus seems to know how lucky he is.”


They’re almost at the cave when the greedy, less accommodating side of Alec wins. “What did that mean, earlier?” he blurts out, studying Jace’s face.

“He gets to know what you taste like and I don’t.”

Source: Truth or Truth, by selfinduced – Shadowhunters (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

In Edom, Jace is linked to Meliorn… and Seelies can’t lie. (Warning for cheating, but this is delicious.)

When it Happens, by Emmybazy – Shadowhunters (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

“Fight it, go get a mated pair now and close the door.” Jace hears the words but doesn’t understand, too preoccupied with running the backs of Alec’s hands over his skin. He wants Alec’s fingers to grip his waist and wrists, leave marks all over him. Jace can’t get close enough.

Out of nowhere, someone is grabbing Jace around the waist and dragging him away from Alec, “no! No, Alec!”

“It’s for the best Jace, I promise.” It’s Robert. Robert is taking him away from Alec.

“No, no, I need him, bring me back to Alec. Where is he?” Jace can’t see him, partially due to the tears blocking the way.

“Hey, I’m right here” Alec is there, hands cupping Jace’s face and wiping the tears away, “I’m here. It’s ok.”

Source: When it Happens, by Emmybazy – Shadowhunters (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

I’m very picky when it comes to A/B/O fics, but this version, where Alpha Alec manages to resist the unexpectedly Omega-presenting Jace? Yes please!

Tiger, Tiger, by manic_intent – The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) [Archive of Our Own]

Years ago, Napoleon had complained strenuously when Sanders had strong-armed him into the CIA’s training classes for alphas. He was in the prime of his life and no longer some sort of schoolboy, easily turned by an omega’s seasonal pheromones, or so he had said at the time. Now the training kicked in, and Napoleon breathed a little more rapidly and through his mouth, to dilute the effect. Illya seemed to notice, smirking faintly.

“You’re an omega,” Napoleon grit out, once his head had cleared a little. “That wasn’t in your… I thought you were null.”

“Very rude thing to say. We are in public.” Illya said dryly, which was true.

Source: Tiger, Tiger, by manic_intent – The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) [Archive of Our Own]

This might be one of the few fandoms where I actively seek out A/B/O fics, just because Illya will never be a wilting flower. 😉 This one is excellent because it very much plays with the expected gender roles.

stockings on the fireplace, or something, by icarxs – Queer as Folk (UK) [Archive of Our Own]

“Stalker, ten o’clock,” said Alexander, primly. “Just like old times, innit.” Then, he said, head tilted to one side like a particularly tall, gay cockatoo, “or not really.”

“Where?” demanded Hazel, craning her neck. “Where the fuck?”


Alexander pointed. They could just make out Nathan, carving a path through the crowd; he spotted them and his face broke into a grin, creases at the eyes, bright as sunshine, the whole fucking shebang. Stuart let out a long, low whistle. “Jaysus Christ,” he said, leaning back in his chair, as much a prowl as one could do while sitting, “can you believe I used up my fucking shag pass with him when he looked like a twink, and now he goes and looks like that.”

Source: stockings on the fireplace, or something, by icarxs – Queer as Folk (UK) [Archive of Our Own]

A wonderful bit of future fic, I love everyone’s dynamics here, they feel just perfect.

the love, the dark, the light, the flame, by ladyofrosefire, proxybird – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Xingchen is a terrible liar— he does not like hunting deer, although he will. He has. One stag is not strong enough to sate him, and while they can make some use of the bodies, the deer are of less use to the two of them than they would be to the people in these small cities and towns if they found them full of life.

Song Lan has more than enough to spare.

His fingers stumble over the belt of his robes.

Source: the love, the dark, the light, the flame, by ladyofrosefire, proxybird – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Vampire fic set in canon, utterly lovely and captivating…