Need, by jemariel – Star Trek: The Original Series [Archive of Our Own] |

Spock’s reply of “No, Doctor” came just a fraction of a second too late, raising all sorts of red flags in McCoy’s brain. “The bond between T’Pring and I was exclusive. The breaking of that bond through the kahli-fee should have short-circuited my body’s… urges.”

“Well, obviously, it didn’t,” McCoy grumbled. “Spock, your hormone levels are up again, and rising. Your little fainting spell on the planet is proof that your body is starting to crack under the strain. A few more like that, and you won’t wake up. You know better than I do how close you are to….” He couldn’t finish the sentence.

Spock nodded, and finally met his gaze. “But without a bond, I cannot mate.”

“Well, that leaves us in a right pickle then, doesn’t it?” McCoy could feel his blood pressure spike. Spock couldn’t be thinking of just letting this happen, just letting himself die! Damn stubborn Vulcan son-of-a-bitch….

Source: Need, by jemariel – Star Trek: The Original Series [Archive of Our Own] |

Post-Amok Time, things aren’t quite as over as everyone had hoped…

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