XXX, by drinkbloodlikewine & whiskeyandspite

“Are you reading a fucking porno mag?”

Michael’s hand hesitates, though he makes no move to stand from the couch cushions piled upon the floor.

“I’m not reading it.”

He turns another page and lingers, brows furrowed in interest for a moment before he raises his eyes to Alex again. His face is entirely impassive, unaffected at all, no blush, no nervous swallowing. It is entirely clinical to him. Alex would wonder if he even had the capacity for this sort of sensation if he didn’t find himself near-weekly pinned beneath the very opposite of this sort of dispassionate angel.

Adult, set during ep 1×07. I remember when wing!fic was a Thing – and this is angel fic, and seriously hot at that.

XXX, by drinkbloodlikewine & whiskeyandspite

Vid: Letters from the Sky, by HoneyMonsterNoNo



If I could ship a pairing from a show I’ve only seen 3 episodes of, this is definitely the one I’d go for – and this vid shows beautifully why. Music by Civil Twilight.