The only soul I have I stole from you, by gwyneth rhys (gwyneth) – Kings (TV 2009) [Archive of Our Own]

We take lovers into our souls like we take water into our throats, Jack thought, we drink in their kisses and breathe their breath. We fall in love and we’re unmade. “Have a little faith,” David said.

Source: The only soul I have I stole from you, by gwyneth rhys (gwyneth) – Kings (TV 2009) [Archive of Our Own]

This takes canon (why oh why did they make them antagonists?!?) and fixes it in the most stunning way. I adore this Jack and the way he finds himself again.

Birthright, by Brenda

They were different men now, no longer Prince and loyal subject, no longer Major and Captain, bound together in service. For the first time, they would meet as equals. Or, as equal as they would ever be, considering God’s Grace flowed through David’s veins, and Jack’s blood held only the poison infected in him by his parents.

Teen, post-series. I have such a soft spot for this pairing, and this is fic fixes everything they got wrong in the show.

Birthright, by Brenda

songs of jonathan, by straddling_the_atmosphere

Jack looks startled when David appears in his room that night. I didn’t think I was going to dream you tonight. 

Teen, post-series. David fights, and dreams, of people he’s lost – of Jack, trapped in a tower… Poetic and haunting, this fic uses the Song of Solomon and the biblical David & Jonathan to great effect.

songs of jonathan, by straddling_the_atmosphere