Burning Bright Right Till the End, by Mia_Zeklos

Burning Bright Right Till the End, by Mia_Zeklos

we were beautiful, by orphan_account

we were beautiful, by orphan_account


this prison without walls

Pairing: Jace/Alec

Rating: T

Summary: “Alec.” It’s him. It’s easy to tell, not just by the insults that the Owl keeps hurling at anyone who tries to speak in the room around him but by the dazed look in Jace’s eyes; the persistent fog that he can’t quite shake off yet. “What’s going on?”

Notes: Based on 3×07; takes place somewhere vaguely in the aftermath of it.

Oh, this hurts so much, and it’s so beautiful.


your name in letters of smoke

Pairing: Jace/Alec

Rating: T

Summary: “Feeling their bond sputter and almost fade for the first time in their lives had been beyond painful; when it happens again, it’s excruciating.”

Notes: Based on a prompt by @theterrorthatflapsatnight, the main concept of which was ‘Jace realises he’s in love with Alec during Parabatai Lost’. Hope you enjoy it! ;3

This is simply stunning, taking my breath away.

all the diamonds of the night – FeatheredShadow – Shadowhunters (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

all the diamonds of the night – FeatheredShadow – Shadowhunters (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

New fic!


The Way You Wing It While You’re Figuring It Out

Pairing: Jace/Alec

Rating: T

Summary: “As he edged towards the end of the alley, Jace almost laughed at himself. If someone had told him a year ago that he’d be selling sex on the streets of New York because his father had thrown him out for being afraid of monsters that followed him everywhere, he’d tell them to get a grip.”

Author’s Notes: This is written by an au prompt for @witchunters and it’s pretty different from anything I’ve written before, so I hope you enjoy it!

Absolutely intriguing premise, I was sucked right in.

Vid: Triangles are my favourite shape

(via Magnus | Alec | Jace (AU) – Triangles are my favorite shape – YouTube)

Okay, so this is simply amazing, absolutely perfect Malace AU!

(Author’s post on AO3 here.)

ETA: The vid seems to have been deleted, but I do have it saved, if you want it. 🙂