I Have Loved The Stars Too Fondly, by Tanndell – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

“Head Boy Shen! Head Boy Shen! Did you see me catch the Snitch?” Zhao Yunlan was glowing with victory, sweaty with exertion and incandescent with joy. Shen Wei dusted his robes off as he rose from the bleachers, gathered his parchment, straightened his tie and nodded.

Source: I Have Loved The Stars Too Fondly, by Tanndell – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Adult, Harry Potter AU. I don’t usually read HP fusions, but this one is so perfect – also, sizzling!

when we reunite, the world will tilt on its axis, by kyrilu – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

“Yes,” Shen Wei says, biting his lips, and he looks at Zhao Yunlan’s mouth again. Zhao Yunlan lets out a shaky laugh, and he can’t help but stare at Shen Wei in return, captivated – because he can’t get used to this, can he, a young Shen Wei, whose cheeks are flushed, whose dark eyes are dancing, yet it’s still undoubtedly him.

Source: when we reunite, the world will tilt on its axis, by kyrilu – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Teen. Zhao Yunlan’s thoughts as he deals with a young Shen Wei. This is perfect – the inevitability of their coming together, the unavoidable sadness looming… Yet Zhao Yunlan can’t help it, doesn’t want to, giving me goosebumps in the process.

A Light for Others, by mabyn – 镇魂 Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Shen Wei sneaks into Zhao Yunlan’s room to write calligraphy on his skin. It’s the only way to guarantee his safety, and he owes Kunlun his life.

Source: A Light for Others, by mabyn – 镇魂 Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

This fic left me breathless. Honestly one of the most sensuous, gorgeous pieces of writing I’ve read in a long time, I adore every little thing about it: Shen Wei’s desire to protect Zhao Yunlan, his bittersweet memories of Kunlun, and then Zhao Yunlan’s reaction… I want to curl up with this fic and read it over and over.

what hand, what eye, by teaotter

Yunlan thinks: from the outside, this would look calm, quiet — Shen Wei’s directions and the two of them sitting demurely on the couch. But his fingers are clutching now at Shen Wei’s waist, his own breath coming harder. He feels as if he is caught up in some vast tide, but he doesn’t want to fight it.

Source: An all-fandoms multi-media flashworks community – Guardian: fanfic: what hand, what eye

This is simply beautiful – lyrical and sensual, and perfectly in character… Love it!

白宇朱一龙.Bai Yu.Zhu Yilong.时间飞行.Flying with Time.MV – YouTube

Technically not a fanvid, because it’s the freaking official music video to the actors singing the theme song, but OMG, it’s the shippiest thing you’ve ever seen! The feels are overwhelming – watching them sing their love song together makes me honestly hyperventilate and cry…

Also, while the vid is meant to be about the characters, I dare you not to ship the actors at least a little bit. 😉

like the deserts, by yantantether – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Somewhere far below, Shen Wei is counting on him, and Zhao Yunlan is so fucking useless he can’t even find a way to help him. He imagines a future without Shen Wei around to complain about the state of his fridge, bully him into eating vegetables, provide his effortlessly startling insights into SID’s cases, and kiss him until he’s nothing but a mass of nerve endings, and the thought makes the emptiness inside expand until it begins to swallow him.

Source: like the deserts, by yantantether – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Lovely plotty fic with great smutty bits, my favourite combination!