Afterimage, by margrave – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own]

Zhu Yi Long is an awkward turtle. Now he has to deal with letting Shen Wei and Ye Zun go.

Source: Afterimage, by margrave – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own]

This might just be my new favourite piece of RPF, because it’s somehow both funny and bittersweet as well as completely in-character. I’m just a tiny bit in love.

I Look Good On You, by dancinbutterfly – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Everyone notices when Shen Wei arrives with Zhao Yunlan at 4 Guangming that morning. They come in together often when Shen Wei has no morning classes, nothing remarkable about that and they don’t make any fuss. However, unlike any normal morning, Shen Wei is clad in a pair of faded skinny jeans that are a little too long, bunching at the ankles, a leather vest that is a bit too tight across his shoulders, and a black t-shirt half hidden under the vest and that is absolutely not his because it has a faded brand name written on it in English. While nothing about Shen Wei’s attire is inappropriate for the lax SID dress code, for the always impeccably tailored Professor Shen or the imposing Black Cloaked Envoy, he looks completely alien.

In addition, every single member of the SID has seen Zhao Yunlan wear this exact ensamble no less than four times in the last thirty days.

Source: I Look Good On You, by dancinbutterfly – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

This is excellent, not just because omg, clothes sharing! but also because of the lovely bits of SID family dynamics we get, most of all Chu Zhi & Guo Changcheng. <3

The First Time Is Different for Everyone, by clevermanka – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Zhao Yunlan has to make the first move. Shen Wei can’t be the one. Not this time.

Source: The First Time Is Different for Everyone, by clevermanka – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Two first times, both a heartrendingly perfect mix of hotness and sweet, sweet love.

Come Up And See Me Some Time (The Porn Star AU), by FayJay

Real professors are supposed to be crusty old geezers with wrinkles and nose hair, not – well. Not ridiculously pretty creatures with perfect eyebrows and soft pink mouths, standing there in neat button-up shirts with sleeve garters, for fuck’s sakes, blinking great big puppy eyes from behind ridiculous little round glasses. How could Yunlan possibly be expected to know that Professor Shen was a real honest-to-God professor when he stood there in the doorway with his neat blue tie and his earnest furrowed brow, looking like an invitation to sin?

Source: Come Up And See Me Some Time (The Porn Star AU) – Chapter 1, by FayJay – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Every fandom needs at least one porn star AU – this one’s perfect! How can a fic be simultaneously hot as hell and have me laugh out loud?

If Life Was A Movie We’d Have A Better Soundtrack Than This, by galaxysoup – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

The first time Shen Wei meets Zhao Yunlan is when he innocently steps out of his Monday morning office hours and is immediately slammed into by 180 pounds of cop pursuing a suspect on foot.

Source: If Life Was A Movie We’d Have A Better Soundtrack Than This – Chapter 1, by galaxysoup – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

An epic human!AU, this is funny, well-plotted and packs some emotional punches.

Human Courtship Rituals, As Witnessed By A Member of the One and Only Cat Tribe, by anecdotalist – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Da Qing has seen many things crumble in his ten thousand years of life but the courtship between his human and his human’s Dixingren mate has withstood time, Hallows, and a megalomaniacal brother.

Source: Human Courtship Rituals, As Witnessed By A Member of the One and Only Cat Tribe – Chapter 1, by anecdotalist – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

This fic simply made me happy in so many ways: outside POV! Da Qing! A canon-compliant happy ending!

Vid: Into Stone, by lolachrome – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

All the world you roam turns you into stone.

Source: Into Stone – Chapter 1, by lolachrome – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

This is gorgeous, an exploration of Shen Wei and his relationship with Ye Zun and Zha Yunlan in the past and present. ALL the feels!