A History of Birds, by OddityBoddity

“You look like him. So did Pierce.” His voice is soft, gravelly from disuse. “Is that why they picked you?”
Steve’s heart plunges like an elevator with the cables cut. “Buck, it is me.”
The hard line of Bucky’s mouth softens just a little. “Sure,” he says.

Mature, post-WS. I’d read the terrifying meta that inspired this, pointing out how much a young Robert Redford / Pierce resembled Chris Evans / Steve, but this just… broke me. Excuse me while I ugly-cry.

A History of Birds, by OddityBoddity

one girl in all the world, by Wildehack (Tyleet)

Someone could wish the whole world different, if she really tried. You could have a world without shrimp, or a world with nothing but shrimp. You could even make a world where everyone was happy, and no one died, not even once. In this world, Buffy Summers does not drown at sixteen. 

Teen, wishverse. I just re-watched The Wish and got this hankering to find out more about that Buffy. Turns out she’s not quite the lone wolf she seemed in the ep. 🙂 (And like the fic, we’ll ignore the inevitable ending.)

one girl in all the world, by Wildehack (Tyleet)

Captain Hydra, by vordeel-ts

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baZtDDQUBpE?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]


Captain Hydra || lunacy


Holy cow, I have no idea how this was done, but it’s amazing! I have no love for the Captain Hydra storyline, but this is awesome. Music: Macbeth trailer.

Vid: the failing one, by vordeel-ts

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB6XAC-2Xvo?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]


Bucky Barnes || the failing one


Ngh… Bucky being badass does *things* to me. 😉 Music: bombing bastards, by terranova & tricky. 

Birthright, by Brenda

They were different men now, no longer Prince and loyal subject, no longer Major and Captain, bound together in service. For the first time, they would meet as equals. Or, as equal as they would ever be, considering God’s Grace flowed through David’s veins, and Jack’s blood held only the poison infected in him by his parents.

Teen, post-series. I have such a soft spot for this pairing, and this is fic fixes everything they got wrong in the show.

Birthright, by Brenda






NOT WITHOUT YOU ★ Anthology – A transformative anthology of artwork, comics, stories, and more reenvisioning our favorite men out of time. – http://kck.st/2iURUdU

The Kickstarter for this amazing project has begun! Two of my drawings will be included & I hope you guys will support the wonderfully talented writers & artists who are contributing the this Stucky project! @notwithoutyoufanbook

So excited!!!


So, the thing where I have to be a bit careful with money this year? Not going so well already. 🙂

Soul Deep, by icewhisper

He had exactly one picture of Alec and himself, a quick shot on his phone that he’d insisted on when they’d finally made it out for their first date. […]

He hung the picture on his wall beside a picture Isabelle had given him of Alec and Jace. That one was clearer, both boys smiling and with Jace’s arm slung over Alec’s shoulders. He kept them together in his own sign of respect, because even if he hadn’t particularly liked Jace much, he understood the bond between parabatai.

Mature, post-season 1. Death isn’t the end. I love Magnus in this.

Soul Deep, by icewhisper