Support the original artist daniyalive
Another fandom in which I can’t help but think that polyamory would be the perfect solution, but as always this vid for the bff pairing is right up my alley.
Support the original artist daniyalive
Another fandom in which I can’t help but think that polyamory would be the perfect solution, but as always this vid for the bff pairing is right up my alley.
this is literally the best Thor tribute ever.. even the opening dialogue is on rhythm
I’ve seen a few Thor vids set to this song (because it’s perfect), but none as awesome as this one. Wow!
Steve + Bucky | Sweetest Feeling
Beautiful, this gave me all the feels!
Vidder: knightvision1228
This video is just wow – lyrical and gorgeous! I have serious vid envy now.
Support the original artist Irina Lazirko
Season 2 has re-awakened my best friends-to-lovers shipping heart, and this vid is seriously beautiful.
This one doesn’t pull any punches – but then, neither did seasons 1+2 of The 100.
I love this show so much, and this vid shows perfectly why you should, too.
Haunting and beautiful, this encapsulates Clarke & Lexa’s relationship perfectly.