Vid: Blank by lim



Blank, by lim, a Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes vid to Neopolitan Dreams by Lisa Mitchell. For Speranza.


(get in HD on limvids)

So much I love about this vid. The moment when Steve’s on the train! Bucky like the painted man! The color, so beautiful. Just amazing.

Holy cow, this is gorgeous and incredible! I have all the feels now.

Vid: Triangles are my favourite shape

(via Magnus | Alec | Jace (AU) – Triangles are my favorite shape – YouTube)

Okay, so this is simply amazing, absolutely perfect Malace AU!

(Author’s post on AO3 here.)

ETA: The vid seems to have been deleted, but I do have it saved, if you want it. 🙂

Vid by lightdale


you want me to be yours and, i want you to be mine

i’ve been wanting to get back into video making since i switched computers, and today i saw a photoset on tumblr that inspired me to make this. this is dedicated to everyone in the @jalecsquad who are amazing people.

this video is from jace’s pov.

This is lyrical and perfect.

ETA: Sadly, the link is broken.