Bucky x Steve || Brooklyn (Go Hard)
One of my faves has been updated – still going hard!
Bucky x Steve || Brooklyn (Go Hard)
One of my faves has been updated – still going hard!
chidi & eleanor | light me up
This just makes me happy, just like The Good Place makes me happy.
we change T O G E T H E R
dedicated to @vigilantexarcher for pulling me into the forgotten trashbin that is the leverage fandom
Finally watching Leverage – and look, I found a new OT3! This vid celebrates them in all their glory.
This gives me all the feels. A lovely tribute to a couple that never had a chance and managed to live through the pain.
Blank, by lim, a Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes vid to Neopolitan Dreams by Lisa Mitchell. For Speranza.
(get in HD on limvids)
So much I love about this vid. The moment when Steve’s on the train! Bucky like the painted man! The color, so beautiful. Just amazing.
Holy cow, this is gorgeous and incredible! I have all the feels now.
(via Magnus | Alec | Jace (AU) – Triangles are my favorite shape – YouTube)
Okay, so this is simply amazing, absolutely perfect Malace AU!
(Author’s post on AO3 here.)
Jace & Alec | My Sweet Lavinia… (AU)
This is simply stunning!
Archie & Jughead | High [1×07] by
so hot, so steamy
great edit!
Seriously great use of music and video.
you want me to be yours and, i want you to be mine
i’ve been wanting to get back into video making since i switched computers, and today i saw a photoset on tumblr that inspired me to make this. this is dedicated to everyone in the @jalecsquad who are amazing people.
this video is from jace’s pov.
This is lyrical and perfect.
That’s why we make a good you and me.
Made for odessie/Nancy Blackett for @equinox-vids Spring 2017.
Password: originalOT3