Etched Into Bone, Into Heart – Chapter 1, by Trobadora – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own] |

“Zhao Yunlan,” says an urgent male voice.

“Hm?” He tastes blood. That can’t be good. Zhao Yunlan forces his eyes fully open, blinks his vision into focus. Takes in the scene around him. He’s lying on the grass in a park, and incongruously, it’s night-time. There’s Zhu Hong, smiling down at him, and next to her –

The stranger’s smile takes his breath away, full of relief, turning radiant a face that must be beautiful under any circumstances: dark eyes framed with long lashes and round glasses, high cheekbones thrown into sharp relief by deep shadows, and perfectly curved lips.

“Hey,” Zhao Yunlan breathes, returning the smile without quite knowing why, his chest warming at the sight.

Source: Etched Into Bone, Into Heart – Chapter 1, by Trobadora – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own] |

Delicious canon-divergence in which Zhao Yunlan doesn’t lose his sight but his memory.

Like you’re running out of time, by frith_in_thorns – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Shen Wei was tidying the kitchen. He’d made and eaten his own breakfast, and prepared a meal for Zhao Yunlan which was now packed in a container in the fridge ready for whenever he got off his overnight shift at the SID. He’d just finished drying plates, and now he wiped down the counters at a leisurely pace. In no hurry, since he had no university duties that day.

He was unprepared for the front door to be thrown open with a slam, or for Zhao Yunlan to come charging in, panting and disarrayed.

“Shen Wei, good, listen,” Zhao Yunlan gasped out.

“Zhao Yunlan, what —”

“No, listen!” Zhao Yunlan gestured emphatically at him. “Don’t use your dark energy. For anything. You —”

“What do you —”

“We’re in a time loop,” Zhao Yunlan said. “You need to trust me.”

And he collapsed.

Source: Like you’re running out of time, by frith_in_thorns – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Amazing groundhog day fic – it’s so rare to see these from the outside, and this is so well done!

perception, by synonemous – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

His partner for the night isn’t Zhao Yunlan’s usual type – except for the ways he is. He’d clearly been lost in the atmosphere of the bar and blinked doe-eyed at Zhao Yunlan when he’d slid up to offer him a drink. If it hadn’t been for the way his eyes had lingered on Zhao Yunlan’s mouth and the way he’d stared like he couldn’t quite believe that he was given the time of day, Zhao Yunlan might have bowed out. Instead, fast-forward ten minutes and Zhao Yunlan is on his knees in yet another dark alleyway, mouth full of a stranger’s cock.

Source: perception, by synonemous – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

This starts out as a hot blow-job between strangers in an alley and morphs into something rather surprising.

A More Perfect Union – Chapter 1, by kimboo_york – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

The majestic and totally terrifying-in-a-sexy way Black Cloak Envoy took one look at Zhao Yunlan, frowned, turned to Zhao Xinci and said “No.” Then he walked out in a sparkling, billowing cloud of dark energy.

Zhao Yunlan blinked. “Did he…did he…was I just dumped ?”

His father, in a very satisfying change of pace, looked as confused as Zhao Yunlan felt. Still, he shook his head. “You cannot be ‘dumped’, you are the Guardian. The treaty is very clear about this.”

He had been promised that it was a ceremonial role only. His father explained that once the very bureaucratic and not-at-all-ever-consummated wedding was complete, the Guardian was not required to do anything more as the Black Cloak Envoy’s consort than show up a couple of times a year for Dixing religious events.

Source: A More Perfect Union – Chapter 1, by kimboo_york – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

This is such a unique and fascinating take on the arranged marriage trope (with a good dose of identity porn on top), and I loved every moment of it!

Five Times Zhao Yunlan and the Black Cloaked Envoy Fucked, and One Time They Didn’t., by chaosmanor – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

How exactly is Zhao Yunlan supposed to manage secret late night hookups with the Black Cloaked Envoy and beginning to date Shen Wei? Will he have to choose between carpet burn and dragonfly kisses?

Source: Five Times Zhao Yunlan and the Black Cloaked Envoy Fucked, and One Time They Didn’t., by chaosmanor – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Guh, identity porn of the hottest sort!

Deep Waters Closing Over Our Heads – Chapter 1, by Xparrot – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

“…And you don’t want that.”

Shen Wei shuddered. “No.”

Source: Deep Waters Closing Over Our Heads – Chapter 1, by Xparrot – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

This is the most unusual, fascinating pon farr fic ever – no smut, for one, instead a surprising amount of angst as well as lots of intense feelings and insights into Shen Wei’s character and history.

The Singer (Chinese Opera AU) – Chapter 1, by mabyn – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Ten minutes into the opera performance, a man with long, dark hair and a face as pretty as a woman’s stepped onto the small wooden stage and opened his mouth to sing. His voice was delicate, but the tone and tempo betrayed a banked passion all the more powerful for its reserve. He was covered in large swaths of deep pink makeup outlined in black. The ill-fitting clothes revealed every sharp angle of his body, every firm muscle.

Zhao Yunlan strained to hear him over the raucous laughter of the other patrons as they munched on peanuts and swilled cheap beer.

Source: The Singer (Chinese Opera AU) – Chapter 1, by mabyn – 镇魂 | Guardian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

This is an utterly captivating and unique AU, evoking a rural China that feels completely real and lived in.