His heart beats too fast in his chest and then, with zero forethought, he’s turning to Yibo, leaning in, and blurting out, “I had a threesome with them. With Zhang Ruoyun and Tang Yixin.”
Fuck. Fuck.
Really, Xiao Zhan? At the Weibo awards, of all places? Where other people can see them? It was just that something about their close proximity, and the fact that Yibo looks so ridiculously sweet in those glasses, and seeing his friends flash across the screen, made the words bubble up his chest and escape through his stupid, stupid mouth.
Source: Talking in the Dark, by mrsronweasley – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own]
This is the hottest thing – first a threesome that left me breathless, then Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo killing off the rest of my brain cells.