Pairing: Jace/Alec
Rating: E
“Are you…having second thoughts?”
Alec didn’t know why that offended him. He was the one questioning whether bonding himself to Jace forever was worth a lifetime of unrequited…feelings…or not, so he couldn’t very well resent Jace for having his own doubts.
Notes: Happy birthday @shirasade!
Hope you had a good one
Your gift is finally here, let me know if I did justice to your prompt
on your mind, almost-parabatai?”Alec, who
had been lost in thought sitting on his bed, startled, and he raised his head towards
Jace, who was gingerly entering the room.“Jace, we’re not supposed to see each
other until the ceremony,” Alec retorted.Jace
shrugged. “You looked pensive from the doorway.”Alec merely
nodded, looking down at his shoes. He was fine, everything was fine. He was
about to bound himself forever to his favorite person, his best friend, not even mentioning the best
Shadowhunter of their generation…so it’d be fine.
He just had to stop overthinking it.However,
said best-Shadowhunter also looked pensive,
as he nibbled at his bottom lip with his arms tightly wound around himself.“Is something
wrong, Jace?” Alec quietly asked.“No,” Jace simply
answered, shrugging again.Alec
frowned. “Are you…having second thoughts?”Alec didn’t
know why that offended him. He was
the one questioning whether bonding himself to Jace forever was worth a lifetime
of unrequited…feelings…or not, so he couldn’t very well resent Jace for having his own doubts. Still, maybe, maybe this meant that Izzy was wrong,
and that they weren’t as made for each other as everyone thought…
Perfect – full of feels and hotness, my favourite combination!