It scared him, Steve could understand that, one revelation too many these days. But Steve had stopped thinking clearly and one instant his eyes went to Bucky’s parted lips and the next he was diving for him.
He may as well have jumped from that speeding train after Bucky in the ice. That’s what it felt like Steve was doing, terrified and determined at the same time, clutching at Bucky’s cold, soaked clothes. Steve slapped a hand against the wall and crushed their mouths together so hard Bucky’s head bumped against the plaster. Steve kept him there with his thigh pressed to Bucky’s full length. Bucky’s hands went to his shoulders, but he didn’t try to break free.
Steve pulled back and a moment of paralyzing fear set in under the heat rushing through him that he had done the one thing that would make Bucky not want anything more to do with him. Steve forced himself to look at him. Bucky’s breathing had quickened and his mouth, a shade redder now, curved up in a shadow of its old smirk.
“Family, huh?” his voice was rough.
A mix of movie and comic canon, these two fics pull no punches, both when it comes to the damage that’s been done to Bucky and the hard, desperate edges in his relationship with Steve. It’s a long road, and a hard one, but I love how it slowly, slowly progresses.