She’s reaching for him again, and Lan Zhan’s mind goes blank. The only thing he can think of as he desperately searches for a polite way to get the hell out of this situation is Jiang Cheng’s self-satisfied voice saying yeah, but it worked.
He opens his mouth, then suddenly remembers Wei Ying’s a boyfriend would have been more effective.
“I have a boyfriend,” Lan Zhan blurts out, and feels himself flushing red.
The woman looks at him, then takes a step back. “Always the pretty ones. Pity.”
Then Lan Zhan is, mercifully, alone.
This fic makes my heart smile. Not only is idiots-accidentally-dating one of my favourite tropes (especially for this pair), but I adore all the cute little details. I mean, Wei Ying’y email is!