“He already notices me,” Phukong pointed out and ignored the little guilty thrill at that. “Just not in the right light.”
“You get up the tree, fall out of it and then he’ll come running,” Man said and Phukong stared at him in disbelief. How did he get a steady relationship with someone else? “Ah, Phukong. The damsel in distress routine works every time.”
“But I’m not a damsel!” That didn’t encompass half of Phukong’s objections. “And he’s not going to think anything but what a klutz I am. And what happens if I break something important? Or anything?” He regarded all the bones in his body as important.
Phukong decides to let Boss and Man help him with his Mil problem. This fic is delightful – I especially love how Phu isn’t a doormat and how Mil finally buys a clue.