[Charles] wants to be alive again. Yeah, no shit. No one wants to be murdered at sixteen fucking years old. But there’s more to it;
He wants with a persistent, gnawing certainty to feel again. […]
He wants and he can’t ever have. No matter how many cases the Agency closes, no matter how many people they help, Charles wants what he can’t have. Not even Edwin, brilliantly clever Edwin, can fix that.
It’s okay though, because it’s Edwin and Charles against the world, and how could Charles ever be unhappy when there’s that? He and Edwin. The Dead Boy Detectives. Some days it’s enough to allow Charles to pretend he wants for nothing. Just him and Edwin -forever.
Source: Imagine Being Loved by Me, by IntoTheUnknown – Dead Boy Detectives (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
I am head over heals in love with these boys, and this fic just made me so damn happy. A great Charles voice.