It doesn’t hit Wei Ying until the third time it happens. In his defense, he’s not running on all cylinders, and definitely only on four hours of sleep. This is the last time he hooks up with someone on a Wednesday. It’s six in the morning and he has to get home, shower, throw some coffee down his gullet, sit and stare at the wall for half an hour, and then run to work. So if all he’s noticed about the guy sharing the elevator with him for the third time in two weeks is his hotness, who can really blame him?
But now that he’s looking a bit more closely, as the guy stares resolutely at the number display ticking up, he sees the telltale signs: slightly rumpled collar on an otherwise pristine outfit, bags under his eyes—not so noticeable that they are instantly apparent, but there if you look closely enough—kiss-bitten lips, and (the most damning evidence of all) a hickey blooming just under his ear.
This guy is coming back from a hookup of his own.
You gotta love modern AUs in which the boys fuck and there’s unintentional falling in love and pining going on… Delicious!