The client is tall and slim, the padded leather motorcycle jacket he wears adding artificial bulk to his upper body which angles sharply in to slender legs braced wide on either side of the bike. His face is fine-boned and delicate and –
Very, very familiar.
It’s a face that Xiao Zhan has seen daily for the last several months, although never in real life.
No, he’s used to seeing it through his kitchen window, twelve feet tall on the billboard that graces the side of the building down the block from his apartment.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
It’s Wang Yibo.
Source: Fixtures and Fittings – Chapter 1, by ella_minnow – 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF [Archive of Our Own]
Epic slow burn of an AU with interior designer!Xiao Zhan and motorcycle racer!Yibo.