It is almost nine, time for him to cease and go to bed. But just as he is about to play the closing notes of Inquiry, one last spirit floats over. This one is different from the others in a way Lan Wangji can’t exactly pinpoint. Maybe it’s the way it bobs and weaves energetically through the air, instead of hovering sedately.
Lan Wangji watches it come to rest on the very edge of his guqin. As always, he plays, <What is your name?>
<Wei Ying. And yours?>
Source: asymptotic – Chapter 1, by chinxe – 魔道祖师 – 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī – Mòxiāng Tóngxiù [Archive of Our Own]
Lan Wangji falls in love with a ghost. This is a canon-divergence full of emotion.