And Cried Out His Name In Joy, by zarabithia

He hadn’t invited the Vulcan into his dreams, just as he hadn’t invited him into his mind for the first invasion. It wasn’t fair of the older Vulcan to continue to invade his thoughts while Jim was still struggling to deal with the ramifications that the first mind link had provided.

But little by little, as the hands reached through his dreams and soothed Jim in ways all the casual fucking had never been able to accomplish, Jim found that he was no longer as pissed at the idea of having a nightly guardian.

Mature, nu!Kirk/Spock Prime. Mind meld AND pon farr fic, and it’s so very good. Background nu!Spock/Uhura.

ETA: Sadly, the link is dead.

And Cried Out His Name In Joy, by zarabithia

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