Vid: Loki Laufeyson: Let It Rock, by LaskaSkywalker



I’ve recced another Loki vid to this song before, but this one is pretty awesome, too – and it includes scenes from The Dark World, adding some more layers to our favourite Marvel villain. Music by Kevin Rudolf.

Vid: Agent Carter vs. Uptown Funk, by haffley6



“Don’t believe me, just watch.” A celebration of the awesome that is Agent Carter. 🙂

Vid: …and ladies with pretty hair, by hollywoodgrrl

“Swords, wizards, magic, fighting, forests, tyrants, prophesizing, lotsa running, and ladies with pretty hair.” Basically an awesome showdown between Legend of the Seeker and Merlin. Which totally works 100%. (Seriously, the ENDING! *g*) Music: Running, by Menomena.

Vid: …and ladies with pretty hair, by hollywoodgrrl