Unrestrained, by by Ardath Rekha

Adult. Slight canon divergence to fit in some sexy times. Because ooh lala, during their talk on the skiff you could cut the sexual tension with a knife! 🙂

Unrestrained, by by Ardath Rekha

Vid: Untouched, by Elsa

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ferVm_dfsE?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=375]


This manages to perfectly capture the tension between Margaret and John. Especially love the rather unexpected song choice – period vids tend towards the soft or dramatic. (The vidder also has a couple other N&S vids set to similarly unconventional music.) Music by The Veronicas.

we were emergencies, by gyzym

Adult, post-Avengers. Trigger warnings apply. Clint and Natasha deal with the aftermath of Loki’s mind games. It’s not pretty (it’s pretty fucking intense, actually), but it’s all about re-learning to be them. Amazing.

we were emergencies, by gyzym

but if I fall for you, I’ll never recover, by Del (goddessdel)

“It’s not a snog box, River!” His hearts were racing in his ears, his indignation short-lived and all but a token protest, his trousers tight and hips tilting up into hers helplessly.


 "Oh, she absolutely is, Doctor.“ And her mouth pressed against his – open to refute her claim – quite decidedly.

Adult, post-Wedding of River Song. The Doctor looks in on River on her very first archeological dig. Utterly delightful smut.

but if I fall for you, I’ll never recover, by Del (goddessdel)

Vid: The One That Got Away, by MyThreeWitches

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlilXKGzsg8?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]


I stopped watching NCIS a long time ago, but oh, I shipped Tony and Kate something fierce! This is a lovely, if melancholy vid from Tony’s POV. (And incidentally manages to look better than the photoshopped Kate in the 200th episode.) Music by Boyce Avenue.